The guide presents good practices in the field of preventing and combating school dropout and improving quality education for children from disadvantaged groups, identifying elements that can be integrated in Romania.
A series of representative case studies for the Norwegian educational system are presented.
System for monitoring children at risk of dropping out of school in rural schools
A methodology for identifying and monitoring children at risk of dropping out of the 20 rural schools in Olt, Dolj, Gorj, Vâlcea and Bacău counties is presented, starting from a series of already existing work tools.
This methodology will be adapted to the particularities of the schools within the project and to the social environment of the communities served, at the same time integrating the Norwegian experiences in the field.
Intervention program for children at risk of dropping out of school
The development and implementation of an intervention program for children at risk of dropping out of school, focused on three major axes of intervention, namely:
- measures to combat absenteeism and poor educational performance by providing support services);
- mentoring program through which high school youth will be trained to support and motivate children;
- measures to work with parents to involve them in supporting children.
The program aims to prevent and combat school dropout in the 20 schools within the NOROC project, based on intervention tools and methods inspired by Norwegian experiences in the field.
The methodology for identifying and remedying some learning difficulties
The methodology developed based on the expertise and good practices identified by experts in Norway, will be applied in schools for the early detection of educational difficulties that require intervention in the field of CES and the monitoring of these children.
The methodology will detail remedial measures and resources at the county and national level that can be used by schools in working with children with SEN.
The guide details the ways of working with children, parents and mentors, exemplifying the positive results obtained and detailing work recommendations, offering concrete tools (sheet for identification and monitoring of children at risk of dropping out of school, mentoring methodology and methodology for working with parents).