The Ideal School

31 January 2023

In the ideal school, teacher and student work in harmony. A school whose motto is <make heaven out of what you have>, a school of heroes and, last but not least, a school with books for all ages.

All the notes quoted above, surprising or natural, belong to the primary and secondary school (gymnasium) students in the project, who we asked to draw their ideal schools. All their drawings will appear on the project’s website and promotional materials, to remind us that children’s vision must be taken into account – maybe not literally, but in spirit.

The NOROC project — (Norwegian – Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education) aims to combat school dropout and facilitate the transition from one educational cycle to another for 650 children at risk.

In the fight against school dropout, the NOROC project focuses its attention and efforts in five vulnerable counties in Romania, respectively Dolj, Olt, Gorj, Vâlcea and Bacău), where children at risk of school dropout and children with special educational requirements (CES) will be supported ).

The project ’The Initiative ’NOROC in Education’ – A NOrwegian – ROmanian Initiative for Quality in Education’ benefits from a 998.000 € grant from Norway through the Local Development Program. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of educational services, especially in rural areas in 5 counties of Romania.  This document has been created with the financial support of Norwegian Grants 2014 – 2021. 

Partners of Terre des hommes Romania in NOROC project: Support Association of Physically Handicapped Children – Romania Vâlcea branch and FAFO Norway.

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