Pupils in Norway have reliable people in school, they can be teachers or auxiliary staff, people to whom the pupils can open up and who know what the children are going through at all times, says Georgeta Safta, a teacher at Gura Văii Secondary School, Bujoreni commune, Valcea county, at a press conference organised by Terre des hommes Romania Foundation to present the lessons that 20 Romanian teachers returned from Norway with. The trip was part of a sustained effort within the project “NOROC – Norwegian-Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education”.
“What I see as simple measures that we can implement in school in the near future or in the short term: those one-on-one discussions between a student and a teacher or not necessarily a teacher. That trusted person can be the teacher or the head teacher or the psychologist of that school, someone they can open up to.”
HERE is the full text of Georgeta Safta’s speech.