Mentor training

31 January 2023

For the first 3 months of this year, through the “NOROC in Education Initiative” project – Norwegian – Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education, we are preparing the training of almost 50 mentors in 20 schools in Dolj, Olt, Gorj, Bacău and Vâlcea. They will be high school seniors or university students who can be role models towards learning and will help children increase their self-esteem and become more interested in school.

Once we make sure their basic needs are met, the important thing is to “get kids to learn without realizing they’re learning (through non-formal activities),” as one of the teachers at our meeting last week pointed out. 

As coordinators of the project, the Terre des hommes Foundation will ensure the training of teaching staff, the transfer of working methods from other projects and resources such as guides and methodologies for afterschool activities and working with children at risk of dropping out of school and/or with special educational needs 27 teachers and education experts from 14 schools gave up their time to attend a working meeting with us on 11th November and ‘make’ the change in small but sure steps. We thank them for their involvement and perseverance in being with the children.

Subtitled ’The Initiative ’NOROC in Education’ – A NOrwegian – ROmanian Initiative for Quality in Education’, the NOROC project benefits from a grant provided by Norway through the Norwegian Grants within the Local Development Program. Partners of Terre des hommes Romania in NOROC: Support Association of Physically Handicapped Children – Romania Vâlcea branch and FAFO Norway. 

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